I've heard a lot of things about The Conduit, and I've read a lot of reviews. I try to tune them out. For the most part, The Conduit has gotten positive press. I would say that the game is all that it ever promised to be and has lived up to my expectations. I've seen a lot of people making comparisons to other games; saying it's simply not as good as Halo or Killzone. That's not the point. The Conduit isn't trying to be that type of game. It never was, and it seems like people only expected it to be after it was finally released. It has also, however, been compared to such classics as Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. Is this a bad thing? Were those not superb games?
It seems like people's gripe with The Conduit is that it's style is oldschool. I'm fine with that. In fact, I can basically pick apart every complaint I've read about the game:
- It's a linear game where the objective is to get from point A to point B while killing everything in between. If I'm not mistaken, isn't that the objective of all FPS games?
- There is not enough enemy variety. How many enemies do you expect? All the bases are covered. There are at least 10 different enemies, both alien and human. You have small enemies that melee, enemies that heal, enemies that blow up, ones that fly, your basic foot soldiers, as well as larger enemies.
- Environments are not destructible. Is that really a necessity, and were you honestly expecting it?
- Levels are repetitive and sometimes boring. How many shooters have levels that aren't?
- The story is generic and predictable. They often are, aren't they?

There are four areas where you will never hear anyone complaining about The Conduit: visuals, audio, weapons, and controls. The visuals are the creme of the crop for a Wii title. In fact, they're pretty good in general. They would really be up there were it not for the mostly generic landscapes. Characters, weapons, and animations look top notch. The game even has motion blur. Screenshots don't really do the visuals justice. You have to see them in motion. The audio is also excellent when it comes to music, effects, and voice acting. I have a slight gripe that the game has no cutscenes, but rather conversations in between levels. They're kind of like the codec conversations from Metal Gear Solid.
The weapons are plentiful and, though I've never played Resistance, are some of the coolest I've ever used in an FPS. They're categorized into Human, Drudge, and Trust. The human weapons are your standard-fare machine guns, pistols, rifles, and rocket launchers. I appreciate the absence of a sniper. The Drudge weapons up the ante, however. Almost all of them provide some sort of alternate charge up fire. A few make use of the remote in creative ways, as well. The hive cannon's spray of explo

The controls, as you probably know, are fully customizable. FULLY. As in, everything is customizable just about any way you can think of. In fact, you can even alter the running speed, turning radius, aiming, HUD placement and transparency, and more. If Halo revolutionized FPS games on consoles, and motion control is the next big thing, I think The Conduit has just done it again. Personally, I found the default layout to be quite adequate with some slight adjustment to aiming and turning, but the option is there if you need it.
The game also features online multiplayer. It's the best on the Wii. It plays quite like Halo, actually, with a few key differences. First, it's free. Second, I seemed to simply jump into a game already in progress after choosing a general game type (free for all, team, or objective). Each type has several subtypes within it, but they can't be chosen pre-game. Players can vote on the gametype, weapons set, and level prior to the match loading (within a 60 second period) and the game will load up whatever won in e

The biggest problem I have with the game is that it's too short. It took me about five hours to complete on the default setting. Luckily, there are multiple difficulty levels and unlockables. Don't be fooled simply because it's a Wii game because it gets tough fast- especially when enemies keep spawning and attacking you and you want to take out the spawner but you can't because of the invisible mine in front of you that you can't blow up because you need the ASE but it leaves you defenseless against the onslaught of enemies that you can't stop because you need to blow up the respawner that you can't get to because... well, you get the idea. The game includes unlockable art galleries and even achievements, though they don't count for gamerscore like they do on Xbox. Certain ones will, however, unlock cheats giving you incentive for another playthrough.
At the end of the day, The Conduit is more like Halo than people want to admit. I've read some crazy reviews of this game. Some say that if the Wii is your only game system and you're looking for an FPS you won't be

Visuals: 9- The Quantum 3 engine is brilliant.
Controls: 10- Any Wii FPS in the future with less will be considered inferior.
Gameplay: 9- Does the job for me. It's oldschool, and I like it.
Sound: 9.5- Great voice acting, soundtrack, and effects.
Replay Value: 8- Multiplayer will last you longer than campaign, but there's also reason to play through again.
Overall: 9/10
Final Thought: One of the best games on Wii, the best FPS on Wii, and a damn good FPS in it's own right.
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