August 4, 2005

Conker Soundtrack .... Yes indeed

Well those who are upsest with our furry little gun slinging squirrel he is coming out with a soundtrack created by yours truly Robin Beanland. Who is he I have no idea but that's besides the point a variety of musical stylings like Halo will be on this CD. We all loved the game well most of us at least so here is the soundtrack for the retail price of 15.98 but wait there is more. Retail releases also include exclusive performances by Dweezil Zappa and a remix from EA's Rabbit in the moon (wow these names are really out there) anyways the CD also comes with a Concker Documentary and other stuff. If your a concker fan (N-man) this looks like something for you. It was officially in stores august 2 but is still out now good luck trying to find it though.


  1. im trying here if you guys see any grammar problems please inform me and i will change them

  2. "Well those who are upssest with our furry little gun slinging squirrel hes<--------(grammer) coming out with a soundtrack created by yours truly Robin Beanland. Who is he(insert comma here) I have no idea but thats besides the point a variety of musical stylings like Halo will be on this CD. We all loved the game well most of us at least so here is the soundtrack for the retail price of (dollar sign here) 15.98 but wait there is more.(put a comma here uncapitalize the "R") Retail releases also include exclusive preformances by Dweezil Zappa and a remix from EA's Rabbit in the moon (wow these names are really out there) anyways the CD also comes with a Concker Documentary and other stuff. If your a concker fan (N-man) this looks like something for you. It was officially in stores august 2 but is still out now good luck trying to find it though.

    posted by The One Known As To Be Reckoned With at 12:06 PM | 1 comments"

  3. wat was that 4 i said sorry

  4. there fixed it

  5. Yeah, you really have to work on that. Good job Doegab!
